in my wooden box

It only takes one to open the box and see what's inside that makes up the woman as she is...What you can get and what you can leave.

"Be more active and vigilant Greenpeace member". Yes.. as it is one of my to do things list for this year and of course for upcoming years (...i'll try my best...gogogo!!!) I've decided to post this article that Greenpeace International sent to me thru email regarding their advocacy to stop whaling paricularly in Japan.

Whaling and dealing: Tell the US to stop negotiating at the expense of whales
We have received worrying rumours of a political deal that could result in increased whaling off the coast of Japan - threatening already endangered whales. We need your your help in ensuring that this deal is killed off - and not the whales.
According to leaked reports from a closed door meeting in Hawaii, the International Whaling Commission is currently considering a proposal that would involve the trading of a small reduction in the quota of whales that Japan hunts in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, in return for an agreed increase in hunting minke whales off the coast of Japan. Of greatest concern is that one of the minke whale populations in this area is listed as endangered.
The only acceptable agreement would be a complete end to Japanese whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary - but we cannot let this happen at the cost of endangered whales in the North Pacific.
The most disturbing information about these reports is that the United States IWC Commissioner and the US Chair of the IWC seem to be at the forefront of the proposal. Both are appointees from the Bush administration who are still in place, and already attempting to undermine Obama's foreign policy on whaling.
It is clear that there are many, many big issues on President Obama’s plate in his first week in the Oval Office. His words and action on climate change and other environmental issues are very welcome but if the news reports are true, then this issue simply cannot wait.
While on the campaign trail, President Obama’s position was unequivocal - no commercial whaling and stronger international regulations on whaling.

"President Obama wants to stop Southern Ocean whaling. Now is our chance"

for the past 2 months: hmmmm, icip icip icip. I've been, I was and I'm still doing a lot of thinking, feeling of all the things that happened. I've been happy, I was happy...I'm trying to be happy. I've been sad, I have cried a river...I was sad and I'm still sad...I was broken.

for the last two weeks: I'm on healing stage...trying to recover, trying to pick up the pieces... but then without any warning it striked again. I thought the tears have dried but it's not. I was sad again.

For the last 3 days: I was happy...soooo happy...or maybe I was just pretending?Ouch! I guess so. Am I willing to give up my own happiness for the happines of the one I love? ...

For the last 11 hours: icip icip icip....honestly I still don't know the answer...
And for the last hours of surfing the net...I've decided to visit my super favorite Oprah Winfrey's site. And from there,...bumulaga saken ang tanong na" What i know for sure?" a question that she always asks to her guests. I asked myself, What I know for sure nga ba? And honestly I still don't know the answer. Pero pramis...aalamin ko ang that for the next time I ask myself that question I know already what to answer. :p

Jamal Malik is one question away from winning 20,000,000 rupees. How did he do it?

A. He cheated
B. He's lucky
C. He's a genius
D. It is destiny...and
E. It's a in wow

Yes, it is destiny and it's such a wow to see a kind of film like this that's so visually appealing and so warm that it touches my heart in more ways than I can imagine that it made me grab one box of tissue...(just kidding). No wonder it has earned a lot of rave reviews and even top the Oscars for grabbing 10 Oscar nominations second to Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

Based on the novel “Q & A” by Vikas Swarup, written for film by Simon Beaufoy and directed by
Danny Boyle, (Trainspotting) this film is more like a modern fairy tale that depicts the life of a boy from a slum in Mumbai India "where lost children and dogs sift through trash so fetid you swear you can smell the discarded mango as well as its peel"and his journey that led him the way to hold on to his ultimate destiny.
Dev Patel (who is just so superb in this movie, I must say) plays the role of Jamal Malik a young man who works in a call center serving tea to it's agents and who's search for his one great love led him to join Who wants to be a Millionaire?" He amused audience by being able to answer all its tough questions despite the fact that he's an illiterate who grow up in slum. Believing that he was cheating he was arrested and even tortured by the police. Thus paving the way to tell his story from the time he got orphan at a very tender age along with his brother Salim after the death of their mother during an Anti-Musliom riot, to that fateful incident that forced them to face harsh realities in life but then paved the way to meet Jamal's one great love Latika. And how each journey he made gives him a clue to answer all those questions.

Danny Boyle successfully trancscends this film from the present and then to the past with its vivid descriptive narration. He does not only showcase the way of life in slum areas in India but also showcases the kind of life of poverty stricken country all over the world. The film magnifies how people get so amused to every game show that offers million bucks of money for a pize as a resort to alleviate them from poverty. It is very evident to one of it's scenes when all the people in slum areas watch the episode in which Jamal will finally answer the 20,000,000 ruppee question and how they celebrate with him when he gives the right answer eventually making him an instant multi millionaire. They sympathize with him, they see themselves with him and join in his triumph that a poor man who grow up in slum can indeed answer even the hardest of questions and become a millionaire with only experience, wisdom and lessons in life learned as his weapons.

Despite the movie's dirty setting and some of it's violent scenes the main characters optimism towards life and it's humor make it like so light and warm that you feel like you're watching an heart warming, poignant love story with a thrill. (There's this one particular scene that actually makes me want to jump from my seat.) This movie is guaranteed to make you cry, laugh and gives you the feeling of wanting to fall in love over and over and over again. Two thumbs up!!!

Let me end this by thanking Jamal Malik by leaving a great lesson in life: There's no worth a prize than finally seeing again the face of your one true love...ahhhhh.... And that one is no cheating.

Un na!!!^_^

I’m back!!!!! That’s just what I can say because I can’t think of a more exciting or profound way to start this…hehe.

Wow, it’s been what almost 2 months that I wasn’t able to post anything except “what does my name means’ section on my blog. Awww.... It’s not because I’m tired or I don’t have anything to write anymore. It’s just my choice… a certain feeling that got into me. And there are reasons that I intend to share for my upcoming posts…pramis

(This is a too late for the New Years post

It actually feels good that I’ve got a new blog template. (Just got this from blogger buster. com. Isn't it so fabulous?!) New look, new lay-out. I actually wanted to personalize this blog like what I used to have. A template that I can actually call as ‘mine’ my brainchild masterpiece…hehe, that would really make me proud of myself. But my gosh, I’m not really that good in using HTML aside from the fact that I started to get impatient. But I promise myself that I won’t stop until I’m done…hehe, as what my college colleague used to say.

Aside from my blog’s new look to start another year of blogging. I’ve decided to make not the "always meant to be broken New Years Resolution" but a things to-do-list for this year. I just got so inspired by Lucy Torres column in the Philippine Star last two Sundays I think. I believe that you're making your year right by having a definite goals to achieve, things to do and tasks to accomplish...trying your best to do even just a half of it if not all of them.

1. Pray more and even harder not just for myself but for others.
2.Blog as often as I can
3. Write as often as I can even without deadlines.
4. Spend more time with friends and family
5. Make my dream scrapbook finally
6. Be more health conscious..learn to drink those multivitamins and any healthy supplements that my Mama and Ate's are offering me.
7. Buy and read more books
8.Watch my favorite movies again on DVD
9.Learn to recycle those bottles of juices that I buy.
10. Have a trip to Tagaytay with my bestfriend.
11. Have a romance with crocheting and cross-stitching..again
12.Be more forgiving and understanding
13. Have at least one charitable organization to join to.
14.Be more organize in my room, with my things, and office desk most especially.
15.Learn to bake once again and finally be able to learn to bake creme brulee.
16. Learn to drive this summer season.
17. Learn to play guitar once again...this time I'll try to be more patient.
18. Have a whole body massage and foot spa at least once a month.
19. Buy more scented candles and flower decorations for our house.
20.Be sweeter, more loving girlfriend...daughter and friend.(haha!)
21.Eat more fruits and vegetables.
22.Don't forget to hug my cat and dog everytime that I leave.
23. Be more punctual.
24.Have a different birthday celebration this year.
25.Watch sunrise at least once this year.
26.Learn to manage my emails and responsibly respond to it.
27. Be more active and vigilant Greenpeace member.
28.Excercise, do stetch my lazy bones every morning.
29.Remember all my friends birthdays.
30.Plant a tree on my birthday.
31.Keep all things whether a simple bus or plane ticket, photos, whtaever memorabilia I can have for every places I'll go and include it in my travel scrapbook.
32. Open my own savings account.

I dont promise that I can actually complete and accomplish all these things that are written here. But just seeing this to do list in my blog that already inpires me to slowly and patiently start one. Having a certain purpose and goal each day is one step to become a better person and become that person who WE want to be.
