I’m back!!!!! That’s just what I can say because I can’t think of a more exciting or profound way to start this…hehe.
Wow, it’s been what almost 2 months that I wasn’t able to post anything except “what does my name means’ section on my blog. Awww.... It’s not because I’m tired or I don’t have anything to write anymore. It’s just my choice… a certain feeling that got into me. And there are reasons that I intend to share for my upcoming posts…pramis
(This is a too late for the New Years post
It actually feels good that I’ve got a new blog template. (Just got this from blogger buster. com. Isn't it so fabulous?!) New look, new lay-out. I actually wanted to personalize this blog like what I used to have. A template that I can actually call as ‘mine’ my brainchild masterpiece…hehe, that would really make me proud of myself. But my gosh, I’m not really that good in using HTML aside from the fact that I started to get impatient. But I promise myself that I won’t stop until I’m done…hehe, as what my college colleague used to say.
Aside from my blog’s new look to start another year of blogging. I’ve decided to make not the "always meant to be broken New Years Resolution" but a things to-do-list for this year. I just got so inspired by Lucy Torres column in the Philippine Star last two Sundays I think. I believe that you're making your year right by having a definite goals to achieve, things to do and tasks to accomplish...trying your best to do even just a half of it if not all of them.
1. Pray more and even harder not just for myself but for others.
2.Blog as often as I can
3. Write as often as I can even without deadlines.
4. Spend more time with friends and family
5. Make my dream scrapbook finally
6. Be more health conscious..learn to drink those multivitamins and any healthy supplements that my Mama and Ate's are offering me.
7. Buy and read more books
8.Watch my favorite movies again on DVD
9.Learn to recycle those bottles of juices that I buy.
10. Have a trip to Tagaytay with my bestfriend.
11. Have a romance with crocheting and cross-stitching..again
12.Be more forgiving and understanding
13. Have at least one charitable organization to join to.
14.Be more organize in my room, with my things, and office desk most especially.
15.Learn to bake once again and finally be able to learn to bake creme brulee.
16. Learn to drive this summer season.
17. Learn to play guitar once again...this time I'll try to be more patient.
18. Have a whole body massage and foot spa at least once a month.
19. Buy more scented candles and flower decorations for our house.
20.Be sweeter, more loving girlfriend...daughter and friend.(haha!)
21.Eat more fruits and vegetables.
22.Don't forget to hug my cat and dog everytime that I leave.
23. Be more punctual.
24.Have a different birthday celebration this year.
25.Watch sunrise at least once this year.
26.Learn to manage my emails and responsibly respond to it.
27. Be more active and vigilant Greenpeace member.
28.Excercise, do stetch my lazy bones every morning.
29.Remember all my friends birthdays.
30.Plant a tree on my birthday.
31.Keep all things whether a simple bus or plane ticket, photos, whtaever memorabilia I can have for every places I'll go and include it in my travel scrapbook.
32. Open my own savings account.
I dont promise that I can actually complete and accomplish all these things that are written here. But just seeing this to do list in my blog that already inpires me to slowly and patiently start one. Having a certain purpose and goal each day is one step to become a better person and become that person who WE want to be.